Plants In Action2

Plants in Action was written by plant scientists from Australia and New Zealand as a plant biology book for senior undergraduates and a resource for postgraduates and early-career research scientists.

The complete revision of Plants in Action text book to Plants in Action2 a fully edited peer-reviewed wiki is currently underway with completion expected by late 2015.  Comments and volunteer contributions are welcome. These can be made by contacting the editorial team listed on the home page of Plants in Action2

Open access web resources are transforming education, and Plants in Action was one of the first plant science textbook contributing to this unrestricted sharing of scientific knowledge. This first stage of the Plants in Action2 web project is made possible by generous sponsorship of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and the University of Queensland.

The overall structure of the first edition Plants in Action will remain. Additional chapters will also be added, including on pathogen resistance mechanisms and emerging issues of global resources and climate change. Examples and case studies will be extended from the Australasian region to also include some from Asia and Africa.

Six chapters of the new edition have been completed, with others to appear soon. The link to the new edition (in progress) is:


History of Plants in Action

Plants in Action: Adaptation in Nature — Performance in Cultivation was edited by Brian Atwell, Paul Kriedemann & Colin Turnbull. This was written and edited by members of the Australian and New Zealand societies of plant sciences. This textbook was published in 1999 by Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, and won the Australian Publishers Award for the best tertiary textbook for 1999 in competition with all other tertiary texts published in Australia that year.

Plants in Action explores the principles underlying plant biology in natural and managed communities throughout Australasia. By providing up-to-date and useful perspectives on plant science, this book appeals to upper level undergraduates in tertiary institutes where plant physiology forms part of a degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Environmental Sciences. Postgraduate students as well as professional plant scientists will also find much useful source material in this textbook that is richly illustrated with original data.