Welcome all to Phytogen for June 2019. I know it gets busy this time of year. Hopefully you can manage a couple of brain breaks and send some images and enjoy reports from students and researchers who attended ComBio 2018 in Sydney 2018. Keep reading…..
In this issue we would like to collect images from you for banners to be displayed at the upcoming Translational Photosynthesis Conference 2019, Brisbane June 30 – July 3. We will also use them at our November meeting too. The images will be inserted into this mask:
We can only accept images until Friday 21st June. Please email images to Tam Salter and ensure they are .PNG , .jpg, .TIFF, or .pdf, with greater than 300 dpi, email: william.salter@sydney.edu.au
If the images have people, they will have to sign a permission form: ASPSphotopermission Please print the permission form and have them sign then send along with your entry to Tam, we look forward to receiving your images.
Here is a reminder to register for our meeting this year:
Early registration will apply until 30 June 2019 register
Four ASPS Award Lectures:
- Peter Goldacre Award Presentation & Lecture: Simon Williams, Australian National University
- Jan Anderson Award Presentation & Lecture: The Australian Society of Plant Scientists congratulates Monika Murcha, University of Western Australia (https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/persons/monika-murcha) as recipient of the prestigious 2019 ASPS Jan Anderson award. This award acknowledges talented female plant science researchers. Dr Murcha will be presenting the Anderson lecture at ASPS 2019 (https://www.asps.org.au/combio/asps-2019).
- JG Wood Award Presentation & Lecture: Ros Gleadow, Monash University
- ASPS Teaching Award Presentation & Lecture: Sigfredo Fuentes, University of Melbourne
International Speakers include:
- Prof George Bassel, University of Birmingham
- Prof Dan Szymanski, Purdue University
ComBio2018 reports
Aruni Alahakoon, PhD candidate, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, University of Melbourne
Nicholas Booth, Honours student, Flinders University, College of Science and Engineering
Duc Quan Nguyen, PhD candidate, School of Environmental and Life Science, University of Newcastle
Sayed Mohammad Mohsin, PhD candidate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime and Kagawa Universities, Japan
Pei Qin Ng, PhD candidate, School of Biological Sciences, University of Adelaide

Yu Zhou, PhD Candidate, Research School of Biology, ANU
Christopher Waterman, PhD Candidate, College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University

Eric Brenya, PhD Candidate, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University
Sally Buck, PhD Candidate, Research School of Biology, ANU
Dr Nicole Pontarin, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, BIologie des Plantes et Innovation (BIOPI), Amiens, France
Dr Yagiz Alagoz, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University

Johanna Wong, PhD candidate, The Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University