Phytogen Blog

ASPS publishes a society newsletter, Phytogen, in order to reach our own members plus general readers with an interest in developments in Australian plant science. Phytogen is thus a vehicle for communicating new ideas, recent professional experiences, and forthcoming events. Routine items include: invitations to submit applications for Society awards that identify outstanding researchers, nominations for election of Corresponding members overseas, nominations for RN Robertson and JG Wood lectures, advance notice of plant science meetings and of course, reminders to renew subscriptions! Phytogen is published in electronic format as a blog, and is also summarised 2-3 times per year in a PDF and email newsletter format.  For content submissions contact Dr Janet Wheeler


Past Phytogen Editors: Dr Paul Kriedmann (1995-2001), Professor Helen Irving (2001-2013),  , Dr Gonzalo Estavillo, Adjunct Professor Tina Offler, Dr Christopher Cazzonelli (2013-2019), Georgia Koerber (2019-2023).


Phytogen – June 2019

Welcome all to Phytogen for June 2019. I know it gets busy this time of year. Hopefully you can manage a couple of brain breaks and send some images and enjoy reports from students and researchers who attended ComBio 2018 in Sydney 2018. Keep reading….. In this issue we would li
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May editions of Phytogen and GPC e-bulletin

Hello ASPS members, This Saturday is International Fascination of Plants Day. After you vote, take some pics of plants and add to our ASPS site on twitter by entering @asps_ozplants into the search twitter window (see Phytogen for more ideas). The May edition of Phytogen is out now an
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Phytogen – May 2019

Welcome to May Phytogen, hopefully you have had some rain and it is now cooler. International Fascination of Plants Day, Saturday 18th May. After you vote, take some pics of plants and add to our ASPS site on twitter by entering @asps_ozplants into the search twitter window. Tag #plan
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Phytogen-April 2019

Here is a report from 2018 ASPS teaching award recipient  – Beth Loveys During my PhD and then subsequent post-doctoral research positions I had not really considered the possibility of becoming a teaching only academic, mainly because I was not aware such positions existed! I a
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Phytogen – March 2019

This month we are promoting books and conferences. CABI, The Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International, is a not-for-profit inter-governmental development and information organisation focusing primarily on agricultural and environmental issues in a developing world. There is
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Truly inspiring words from Dr Eloise Foo – Inaugural Jan Anderson Award 2018

While you are preparing your applications for the Jan Anderson award 2019, below are some words from Dr Eloise Foo, awarded inaugural Jan Anderson Award 2018. She writes about achieving balance in life and there are parallels to her research area of how plants and microbes navigate th
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Phytogen February 2019 Plant Nutrition Trust Awards and New Phytologist events

In the spirit of travel, in this edition applications are invited for the Plant Nutrition Trust awards. You might have enjoyed reading reports from 2018 awardees in the January 2019 Phytogen. Applications are due by Friday 22nd March 2019. Click on the pdf and word links below for det
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January 2019 Phytogen – Plant Nutrition Trust Awardees reports from 2018, IPMB2021 Competition, Cairns, Australia, ComBio2018 photos & Jan Anderson

Welcome to 2019. In this issue, enjoy reading 2018 travel reports from The Plant Nutrition Trust awardees. We hope you will be inspired to travel in 2019. ASPS is also promoting an exciting competition, to design 2 logos for IPMB2021, Cairns, Australia. Entries close 11th March 2019,
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Phytogen – December 2018

Dear members, as promised, Beth Loveys has provided an article below on Biochemistry education we hope you will enjoy reading. ASBMB Education Feature PAGE 20 & 21, AUSTRALIAN BIOCHEMIST VOL 49 NO 3 DECEMBER 2018. Making the Most out of the Precious Face-to-Face in Biochemistry Pr
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